Total Internal Reflection

Poisson’s Ratio:
What is Poisson’s Ratio and How to Calculate?
Poisson’s ratio is an important concept in material science and engineering which is interested in deformation of objects under stress. Poisson’s ratio is the measure of Poisson Effect and equal to the negative of lateral strain to linear (longitudinal) strain ratio under the stress. This ratio is important to predict material behaviours under stress which can effect the design efforts using these materials.
Poisson’s Ratio Values of Materials
Poisson’s ratio values typically (for isotropic materials) changing in 0-0,5 interval. Can Poisson’s ratio value be outside of this interval? Poisson’s ratio value is negative for auxetic materials because when auxetic materials strecthed they become thicker perpendicular to the applied force. Also this value can be above 0,5 for anisotropic materials at specific directions.